Project Information / 项目信息

MCF IP Design


MCF is the first local environmental protection public fund initiated by the private sector in China. The foundation has always been deeply engaged in mangrove wetlands, based in Shenzhen, committed to the protection of coastal wetlands represented by mangroves in South China, determined to become an influential environmental protection foundation in the field of coastal wetland protection in China, and contribute to the cause of global wetland conservation.We completed the mascot design for it, and completed the development and production management of mascot derivatives.

深圳市红树林湿地保护基金会(Mangrove Conservation Foundation,简称MCF),MCF是中国首家由民间发起的地方性环保公募基金会。基金会始终深耕于红树林湿地,立足深圳,致力于以华南红树林为代表的滨海湿地的保护,立志成为中国滨海湿地保护领域中有重大影响力的环保基金会,并为全球湿地保育事业贡献力量。凯旋创新团队为其设计完成了吉祥物设计,并完成了吉祥物衍生产品的开发与生产管理。