Project Information / 项目信息

Portable Lamp


Portable lamp is a series of products designed for a professional lamp manufacturer. In the design process, we introduced the concepts of “interest” and “warmth” as the design concept. Each lamp is unique. At the same time, through reasonable structural design, the product can obtain lower manufacturing cost. You can buy them through Jingdong and Taobao.

Portable Lamp 是为一家专业灯具制造企业设计的系列化产品。在设计过程中我们导入了“趣味”,“温暖”的概念作为设计理念。每一款灯都别具一格。同时通过合理的结构设计让产品获得更低的制造成本。您可以通过京东和淘宝买到他们。